April 24, 2020

How Coronavirus Volatility Piqued Interest in TD Ameritrade’s Block Desk

Financial advisor Angela Bender talks about pennies in her second meeting with prospective clients — specifically, how her firm saves them.

If her RIA, AMJ Financial, can clip about four cents off each trade, a client can retire a year early (that’s given a $1 million portfolio seeking a moderate 6% return rate).

How can a relatively small firm make such a powerful statement? AMJ Financial manages $184 million in client assets, but it makes frequent use of its custodian’s block desk. By doing so, Bender has access to TD Ameritrade Institutional’s bench of 16 traders, who are bringing their institutional trading and market-making backgrounds to her clients.

Read the rest of the article here:


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AMJ Financial Wealth Management LLC is not affiliated with Triad Advisors, LLC