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MARKETS are ALWAYS in flux

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August 18, 2015
A Letter to My Daughter As She Heads Off to College- By Angela Bender

 The old saying “time flies” is never truer than when you are preparing to send your child off to college for the first time. You think back to when she started school, and all of the milestones she’s attained since. Middle School, Braces, First Dances, First Sleep Away Camp, High school, first time driving, getting […]

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July 6, 2015
Blog- Paying for College

Paying for College While your high school student is taking standardized tests, parsing college choices, and raring for graduation, you’ll probably find yourself spending some time with net income calculators on college websites. Whether your family’s income level qualifies you for significant aid or limits you to merit scholarships, you’ll quickly discover that tuition is […]

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July 3, 2015
Happy 4th of July!!

What Do You Know About America? Achieving U.S. citizenship can be life changing, but it is not easy. Those who aspire to become American citizens must pass a 100-question naturalization test and answer six of 10 questions correctly during their naturalization interviews. Test your knowledge on these four sample questions:     1.  Who is […]

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June 30, 2015
The Need for Something New

You have probably heard the term ‘planned obsolescence.’ It’s also known as ‘shortening the replacement cycle.’  No matter what you call it, the strategy was developed by manufacturers to ensure consumers would buy products more than once. Rather than inspiring repeat purchases with the strength of their brands and the quality of their products, companies […]

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February 20, 2015
Where has all the Customer Service Gone?

We have all had the phone tree experience. You know you need some help with something, let’s say a Doctor’s appointment, and so you call the office. You get a recorded voice, sometimes not even human, and a list of five to ten options with associated numbers to press. Then someone comes into the room […]

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February 3, 2015
The Economics of Love

Romantics welcome Valentine’s Day and having the opportunity to lavish loved ones with attention. Economists appreciate Valentine’s Day, too. Sure, the $13 billion spent on Valentine’s Day is just a drop in the $17 trillion bucket of goods and services produced in the United States, but love is powerful and has value beyond the candy, […]

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December 17, 2014
The Markets - December 15th, 2014

AMJ Financial Wealth Management Weekly Market Commentary December 15, 2014 It was no fun to be an investor last week. The week prior, a commentary in The Wall Street Journal’s blog, MoneyBeat, offered this insight: “Falling oil prices are thought to be good for stocks because they stimulate consumer spending and hold down inflation. The lower costs […]

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April 14, 2014
So, is the market crashing?

I always know when it’s time to write a blog on the markets when my husband asks me at night, “So, is the market crashing?”  To be fair, the change in the equity markets from 2013 to 2014 has been dramatic.  So what happened when the calendar changed from December 2013 to January 2014?  That […]

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December 23, 2013
The Markets- December 23, 2013

  To borrow a word from the legendary Gomer Pyle: G-o-l-l-y!   In 1955, just five years before The Andy Griffith Show became a big hit, William McChesney Martin, Jr., then Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, made an often-quoted speech in which he said, “The Federal Reserve, as one writer […]

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